All Things Digital

Entries for January 2016

Featured All Things Digital


Clicktivism has ran into controversy through its apparent inability to mobilise the fundamental component of activism, the actual act of acting. However is it is still beneficial to have brand awareness of your cause whether or not action follows click through? This week OnQue investigates how clicktivism and digital marketing speak to each other; and how the key to their successful relationship is embedded in strategy.

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E-Waste: Where do your gadgets go after they’ve got the flick?
Friday 08, January 2016

E-Waste: Where do your gadgets go after they’ve got the flick?

In one of our recent posts we discussed the psychology of technology - our increasing dependence and connectivity to our digital devices and the virtual world. This week OnQue investigates E-Waste and where our devices go once we give them the flick.