Determining what type of content and what marketing channel is going to be the best for promoting your start up or small business can be difficult to do, especially with the multitude of opportunities currently available. Content marketing is specific to each individual business, so you need to think about what type of content best suits your product or service, and what channel is going to provide the best opportunity to reach the largest audience possible. On top of all this you need to look at your own resources and choose a strategy that is going to be achievable with your time or budget limitations. Sound way too hard? To help you determine which marketing content type and channel is best suited for you, PRWeb have produced a handy guide, identifying the types of content you could consider, divided into a matrix based on its ease of implementation and the required attention from its audience. This quick guide also provides detail on the various content marketing formats and is sure to help you get an understanding of what type of content marketing might be best for your business.
Check out the infographic below and let us know if you think this could benefit your content marketing efforts.
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