All Things Digital

Monday 15, April 2013

Creative Examples of Contact Pages

For many businesses it’s reasonable to say that the company website contact page is equally if not more important as the landing page. Some site visitors will head straight to the contact section after landing on your homepage, but all too often the contact page is lacking in inspiration or put together as an afterthought. A successful contact page must be easy to find, uphold the site design and be informative, but by no means does it have to be boring.Additionally,an engaging and organized contact page allows users to communicate with you with ease and efficiency, and in turn could increase your revenue, so don't underestimate this simple page as it may turn out to be the most vital page of your entire site. Here are a few examples of inspiring and creative contact pages.

Try Triangle  

Contact form displayed as a piece of paper on a desk and text entered appears as if written by the typewriter.


 Lovely use of full screen imagery as background to the contact page.

Bang & Olufsen  

Depending on the size of your business it may be a great advantage to provide visiotsrs with various points of contact. This contact page is a straightforward example of how to direct visitors down the avenue that matches their request. 

Red Bull Soapbox Racer  

Clear and simple form where the other page details blur in the background allowing complete focus on the enquiry. 


Bold and eye catching design with very simple form. 


Quick form with large map to easily identify where they’re located, a must have for restaurants.


Creative use of corkboard with messages and notes posted to it.


Striking yet very straightforward contact form. Seen any amazing examples of contact pages that you’d like to share? Let us know below.

Creative Examples of Contact Pages

For many businesses it’s reasonable to say that the company website contact page is equally if not more important as the landing page. Some site visitors will head straight to the contact section after landing on your homepage.