All Things Digital

Thursday 11, April 2013

26 Things To Consider Before Developing A Website [Infographic]

We recently highlighted a few basic tips for start-ups looking to launch a new business website. In keeping with this topic and whether you have prior experience planning and launching a website or you are a complete newcomer, each time you set upon the task of developing a new site there’s plenty of things to consider. Rather than racking your brain for all the inclusions and worrying about things you may have overlooked, Pixaal have put together this convenient infographic which lists 26 considerations when developing a website. It’s a comprehensive list that will give you and your new site a great start, and by considering all these details before your site build gets going you’ll be one step ahead already.

26 Things To Consider Before Developing A Website [Infographic]

We recently highlighted a few basic tips for start-ups looking to launch a new business website. In keeping with this topic and whether you have prior experience planning and launching a website or you are a complete newcomer.