The two-way communication between brands and consumers made available by social media is for the most part, considered a really good thing. Not only can your business gain valuable insight into your consumers or target audience, but you can also form more personal relationships and invite consumers to provide feedback and enhance your broader business community. However, regardless of whether you own a little corner cafe or are a global car manufacturer, sooner or later you are likely to receive some negative criticism on your social media pages, which may, or may not be warranted. While dealing with these negative comments can be stressful and daunting at first, there are a few simple ways to deal with this negative feedback to minimize the damage all round.
React Quickly
Try and deal with any negative comments as soon as you can. The longer you let them linger unanswered the more people will see that a complaint has been left without an attempt at resolution. A quick reaction shows that you are actively listening to those in your community, and will go a long way towards preventing the complaint escalating in intensity.
Say Sorry
Offering an apology in response to genuinely negative feedback is often the best way to quickly diffuse a tense situation. Even if your company isn’t in the wrong offering some words of sympathy shows that you care and gives you the opportunity to request more information or provide further explanation as a response.
Say Thanks
Try and see these comments as constructive criticism, and let the person know that you appreciate their feedback and will consider their suggestions. Responding to criticism with a positive outlook helps to build loyalty and trust with your audience, and shows that you value feedback of all kinds.
Respond Socially, Then Resolve Privately
Social networks are not an ideal place to resolve a complex complaint, especially where character limits are concerned, and if you feel the issue may be ongoing then a more private environment is the way to go. Make your first response a public one and then offer to continue the discussion via phone or email. This may also soften the intensity of the complaint by providing the person with personal attention.
Offer to Help
If you receive a comment, which is, confusing or lacks context simply ask how you can help improve the situation. This then places the ball back in the hands of the person making the complaint, and will make them feel empowered. They may come back with a reasonable suggestion or not reply at all, but you will have tactfully responded and earned credibility within your online community. How do you deal with negative comments online? Let us know below.