At OnQue we strongly believe that the future of Advertising, Marketing and Banking is increasingly mobile. Google's recent changes to penalise non-mobile friendly sites illustrate how things are already moving rapidly in a mobile - led direction.
Mary Meeker an analyst at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers who annually reviews technology trends made the bold prediction in 2008 that mobile access would overtake fixed Internet access by 2014.
Sure enough, Meeker was right.
According to the latest report from comScore we have officially bypassed the mobile tipping point.
In January 2015 the global population stood at 7.210 billion, with the number of unique mobile phone users standing at 3.649 billion.
In the US total activity on smartphones and tablets is accounting for 60% of digital media time spent, this increase is for the most part due to app usage, which now totals 52% of total digital media engagement in the US.
According to Altimeter, consumers are now checking their smart phones over 150 times a day.
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Chairman, Chris Chapman believes, “Despite the extraordinarily rapid rate of change, Australians seem to be adapting reasonably confidently and relatively seamlessly to an Internet-enabled world”.
“Usage is up, choices and platforms are growing, mobility is all-consuming and our online experience is getting deeper and more intense, as we do more and more activities via the Internet”.
Consumers are seeking engaging experiences and entertainment and brands must now importantly discover how different customers are interacting with specific products and services away from their desktop sites.
According to Google, 67% of consumers have a greater chance of making a purchase if they experience an enjoyable mobile site experience. In difference 61% said they would immediately leave a mobile site if they didn’t find what they were looking for.
66% of consumers now feel that their relationships with brands are 'one sided', that as a consumer they see themselves more as the sole contributors and brands as the sole beneficiaries.
In 2015 believe “brands who really have a HUMAN side must realise that a million-and-one faux-HUMAN social media voices and brand-vanity 'experiences' will never be enough: it's time for real action”.
In August last year online shopping site recognised that for the first time in history consumers had used mobile phones and tablets more than computers to visit online stores.
“Looking at data from over 100,000 ecommerce stores that use the Shopify platform we saw 50.3% of traffic coming from mobile (40.3% from mobile phones, 10% from tablets) and just 49.7% from computers.”

“We have been watching and talking about the mobile commerce trend for years, but now there’s no disputing it: mobile commerce is now the default way that people shop online.”
OnQue would like to know how you shop? Mobile, desktop or actually being there in the flesh?
Let us know in the comment section below…