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Why Are Tech Founders Heading OS? Can Start-ups Survive Under Turnbull?
It’s a conversation that those within the Australian Tech start-up community know all too well. Why are so many of our most innovative and successful start–up founders taking their talent overseas? And will there be any changes in attitude under new leadership?
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This week OnQue investigates the pros and cons of our obsession with Virtual Environments.
No it’s not a different kind of Virtual Reality.
Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sens...
Marketing software company, Hubspot have just released their fifth annual State of Inbound Marketing Report, which includes data collected from more than 3,300 marketers in 128 countries and covers how inbound marketers define, practice, integrate, align, and measure their marketing efforts.
Most website design today aims to create the best user experience possible, whether it’s intention is to inform, convert or sell. Therefore it stands to reason that the more understanding you have about how users browse and read websites.
The two-way communication between brands and consumers made available by social media is for the most part, considered a really good thing. Not only can your business gain valuable insight into your consumers or target audience.
It appears that many ‘creative’ professionals are lacking inspiration when comes to describing themselves on social networks. The team at LinkedIn has recently released their 2012 findings of the most overused professional buzzwords in LinkedIn Profiles.
As 2012 draws to a close marketing teams everywhere are getting busy reviewing this years events and mapping out their strategy for the New Year. Regardless of whether social media is new to you, or part of your ongoing strategy you may find yourself wondering what the experts are advising for social media success in 2013.>
Weighing in on the Google Adwords vs Organic SEO argument, a recent study of the Samsung TV website analytics shows that 60% of all organic search traffic from Google went on to interact with the Samsung TV site, while only 20% of paid traffic went past the first page.
Regardless of whether you are small or large business, an artist or simply using the platform socially, over recent months you may have noticed that there has been a distinct decline in your Facebook reach.
It’s no secret that the company website is now a fundamental tool for B2B marketers in order to generate leads for their sales team, and bearing the brunt of this task is the humble landing page.
There has been some amazing examples of cool Augmented Reality being used in to promote interaction with more considered purchases, like for example a new motor car.
A recent article published by the business spectator has drawn attention to the fact that many companies have taken their eyes off what has been happening on their social media pages, in regards to new legislation governed by the ASB (Advertising Standards Board) that monitors any misleading adverting and community protection laws.
Samsung has opened the doors to their first Australian Experience Store, (which is also their first official retail store). The adventurous new concept store is located at the heart of Sydney’s busiest shopping center on George St (in the same bustling precinct as the Apple store and Telstra HQ).