All Things Digital

Entries for October 2012

Featured All Things Digital

Go Organic! Samsung TV website SEO success

Weighing in on the Google Adwords vs Organic SEO argument, a recent study of the Samsung TV website analytics shows that 60% of all organic search traffic from Google went on to interact with the Samsung TV site, while only 20% of paid traffic went past the first page.

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Facebook Promote Feature: Pay up if you want to be heard
Wednesday 31, October 2012

Facebook Promote Feature: Pay up if you want to be heard

Regardless of whether you are small or large business, an artist or simply using the platform socially, over recent months you may have noticed that there has been a distinct decline in your Facebook reach.

Landing page no no’s: Why an online version of your brochure won’t generate leads
Monday 29, October 2012

Landing page no no’s: Why an online version of your brochure won’t generate leads

It’s no secret that the company website is now a fundamental tool for B2B marketers in order to generate leads for their sales team, and bearing the brunt of this task is the humble landing page.