MG Orthopaedics is a chain of orthopaedic clinics located in Parramatta, Bella Vista and Penrith, who specialise in orthopaedic surgery of the shoulder, elbow and wrist.
The Challenge
MG Orthopaedics was seeking a website refresh which would effectively extend the practice’s digital reach and online awareness. MG Orthopaedics also required social media management services and sought to increase social reach and establish a strong digital persona across multiple platforms.
OnQue provided MG Orthopaedics with an updated website with a new and improved modern feel and layout. We implemented an easy-to-use system so the MG Orthopaedics team could easily manage site content and have ownership over site activity. OnQue re-organised the site’s large volume of content to ensure current and future MG Orthopaedics clients could easily locate integral information with minimal click through and scrolling.

Additionally OnQue created a blog section to the website to boost digital awareness of the MG Orthopaedics brand and educational offerings.
In regards to social media, OnQue created the MG Orthopaedics LinkedIn company page which we regularly post up-to-date orthopaedic-related content too along with the practices Facebook page. We are also actively creating original content for the sites newly implemented blog section.
OnQue actively manage MG Orthopaedics social media presence and generate original content which is posted regularly across all platforms- social media, website, publications, etc.
The MG Orthopaedic website refresh has received high acclaim online and our communications team continues to increase online engagement across all MG Orthopaedic social media channels.