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Australian Social Media Stats for January 13:Facebook down, LinkedIn up & YouTube steady
January social network visitation data just released by Social Media News indicates a drop in Australian members for Facebook and Google Plus, however an increase in numbers across LinkedIn and WordPress.
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Launching a brand new website can take time, however if you already have already purchased, or have an existing domain, you are going to need a temporary solution until your site is ready to launch.
Tuesday 29, January 2013
Personas are an extremely powerful design tool, and their creation is an important part of successful website and user interface design.
The new music-focused version of social network MySpace launched last week, and is now available for anyone to join after being in invite only beta mode since July 2012.
Facebook unveiled Graph Search last week, which is new way to search and sort through items you are looking for on the social network. The service, which is currently in beta mode, will be in addition to the existing Facebook search.
A new app called POP (Prototyping On Paper) allows designers to create wireframe sketches on paper and then interactively link them using your iPhone camera.
Facebook is now a household name, boasting over 1 billion active users who are constantly posting, liking, sharing and commenting.
At the end of 2012 we reflected on how much technology shaped the year, and in many ways 2013 looks to be equally, if not more exciting.
When discussing digital and social media, do you often hear the terms: "long-term benefit" or "let's put a strategy in place"? Most likely you hear these statements often, possibly to the point of distraction.
A successful email marketing campaign is reliant on subscriber engagement, or in other words, the open and click rates. When approaching email strategy it’s worth spending some time analysing subscriber engagement before mapping out your plan.
You are probably not alone if a re-vamp of your existing website has been on the to-do list for a while now, but as 2012 quickly draws to a close the reality is that a site overhaul will end up in the resolution list for 2103 instead.
This year the phrase content marketing became increasingly common in the list of ‘must-haves’ within a B2B and B2C marketer’s strategy. Fueled by the exponential growth in social media many companies are progressively engaging audiences through articles and conversation
It appears that many ‘creative’ professionals are lacking inspiration when comes to describing themselves on social networks. The team at LinkedIn has recently released their 2012 findings of the most overused professional buzzwords in LinkedIn Profiles.
Responsive Web design has been an emerging term throughout 2012, is certainly a hot topic within the digital design community, and we are now seeing it take small steps towards becoming accepted as standard practice.
As 2012 draws to a close marketing teams everywhere are getting busy reviewing this years events and mapping out their strategy for the New Year. Regardless of whether social media is new to you, or part of your ongoing strategy you may find yourself wondering what the experts are advising for social media success in 2013.>